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The Roper Report: Activism and Unity – TRR 031418


The famous bridge-builder and unifier Billy Roper outlines how the entire right wing, from entry level Alt-Right to reactionary Civic Nationalists to hard right White Nationalists and National Socialists, can work together in unity through activism on March 24th, by each of them doing their thing and letting others do theirs, rather than optics-cucking and telling others how to or not to. Show them, instead. It will be a great networking and recruiting opportunity for all who are willing to attend and get out from behind their keyboards.

Also, an update on the ongoing right wing schisms, legal fallout from the MSU event, Dylann Roof's death sentence and more on the progress of Ethnostate, a new sequel to Billy’s book ‘The Balk’ which will update the ongoing polarization and division of America on the way to balkanization. You can already order an e-book copy of Billy's new non-fiction book through paypal for $5 to [email protected].

But first, Billy discusses Passover, Gethsemane, Easter, and how Jesus' experience with his disciples reminds us of the struggles being experienced in the movement two thousands years later, as a white pill. This show should leave everyone with loving warm fuzzies.

Presented by Billy Roper

The Roper Report: Activism and Unity – TRR 031418


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